
14 May 2021

New phase of the European Tertiary Education Register

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, has awarded a contract to implement and further develop the European Tertiary Education Register (ETER). The objectives for the new three-year contract are to strengthen ETER as the reference source for data on higher education institutions, enhance data expertise and management capability in Europe. In … Continued
12 May 2021

New EENEE report on Human Capital During Recessions

In this report, the authors investigate the cyclicality of skill accumulation in Europe, using data from the European Labour Force Survey (ELFS) for 2005-18. Pooling data across all EU-27 countries, and across employed and not employed workers, the authors estimate that adult learning – which comprises both formal education and training – is acyclical and that training is mildly countercyclical.
26 Apr 2021

Welcome from the EENEE Coordination team

Please see below a warm welcome message from the present Coordination team members, the scientific coordinator, Dr Miroslav Beblavý, deputy scientific coordinator, Dr Dovilė Jonavičienė, administrative coordinator, Ms Justė Vežikauskaitė, and deputy administrative coordinator, Ms Deimantė Kazlauskaitė. Dear reader, Education and training are the key contributors to competitiveness, employability, social inclusion and active citizenship and … Continued
26 Apr 2021

EENEE introduces the new website

We are delighted to introduce the new Over the last four months, we worked very hard to redesign EENEE’s visual identity and create a user-friendly accessible website for all. Our goal with the new website is to provide an effective exchange platform for education economists in Europe, as well as an easily accessible information device for policymakers, journalists, and other people interested in the economics of education and training in Europe.