Other deliverables

In addition to analytical reports, the Network experts may prepare other types of deliverables. You can find examples of the policy briefs and responses prepared by Network members to the ad hoc questions below.

Compiled from EENEE network members by Ludger Woessmann EENEE Ad hoc Report 5, 2016

Relevant Topics in Current Economics of Education Discussions

Giorgio Brunello and Maria De Paola EENEE Ad hoc Report 3, 2016

First / Second Generation Immigrants – Background and Assessment

Elena Del Rey and Ioana Schiopu EENEE Policy Brief 1, 2016

Student Debt in Selected Countries

Compiled from EENEE network members by Ludger Woessmann and Ruth Schueler EENEE Ad hoc Report 1, 2016

Relevant Topics in Current Economics of Education Discussions

Maria Knoth Humlum and Nina Smith EENEE Policy Brief 5, 2015

Does School Size Matter for School Quality?