Other deliverables

In addition to analytical reports, the Network experts may prepare other types of deliverables. You can find examples of the policy briefs and responses prepared by Network members to the ad hoc questions below.

George Psacharopoulos EENEE Policy Brief 4, 2018

Education for a Better Citizen

Daniel Münich and George Psacharopoulos EENEE Policy Brief 3, 2018

The Many Hidden Benefits of Education

Edwin Leuven and Hessel Oosterbeek EENEE Policy Brief 2, 2018

Class Size and Student Outcomes in Europe

Michel Vandenbroeck, Karolien Lenaerts and Miroslav Beblavý EENEE Policy Brief 1, 2018

How to Ensure that the Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care are Realised

Marius R. Busemeyer, Philipp Lergetporer and Ludger Woessmann EENEE Policy Brief 4, 2017

What We Know about Public Opinion on Educational Reforms

Mette Trier Damgaard and Helena Skyt Nielsen EENEE Policy Brief 1, 2017

Does Nudging Change Educational Decisions?