08 Apr 2022

Out now: The latest research trends in the field of economics of education: July-December 2021

As part of its advisory function, the EENEE Coordination team is tracking the latest research trends in the field of economics of education and training.

We are pleased to share with you our latest report, which covers important themes and issues for future European Commission’s work on the economics of education.

This publication highlights specific focus areas covered by recently published research and foresight studies (between July and December 2021) relevant to the European Commission’s programme 2022 and the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport, And Culture (DG EAC) Strategic Plan 2020-2024.

Following the priorities highlighted in Commission’s Programme 2022 and the Strategic Plan 2020-2024, this document is structured around five themes, namely:

  • Financing education;
  • Education for sustainability;
  • Education for the digital age;
  • Promoting research and innovation;
  • Inclusive education.

The Coordination team hopes you will find this publication informative.