03 Jul 2024

EENEE Ad-hoc report on Grade conversion in the context of the recognition of learning mobility is out!

Given the importance of the recognition of learning mobility in the European context, the European Expert Network on Economics of Education (EENEE) releases this ad-hoc report on grade conversion in the context of the recognition of learning mobility, prepared by authors Thais França and Joyce Aguiar.

The present report provides a comprehensive literature review of grade conversion challenges and practices in European higher education institutions. Addressing the complexities of grade conversion at national, institutional, and student levels, the report explores the role in the conversion process of organisational practices, grading culture, and student commitment.  Effective management of the grade conversion process is essential to enhancing learning mobility.  Addressing the challenges identified in this report and implementing the policies recommended will contribute significantly to a more equitable, transparent, and efficient system, ultimately fostering greater student mobility and academic exchange within the European Higher Education Area.